Chapter 8: Point of No-Return [2]

<p>In that place of stillness, he knew he was not his body. The body, once his body, floated nearby. He was aware that he was not his body. A strange blue light hummed along his spine, calmed him, and gleamed with the pulse of the stars. He saw a dome of clear sky ringed with tall trees.</p> <p>All night the wind howled, and sand pelted the Spirit Coat. The storm stopped as abruptly as the snuffing of a candle flame. Gren struggled to emerge from the timeless state where he had taken refuge. He became aware once more of the stench of urine and feces. He forced his hand through the top of the coat into the air above.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: strange Blue