What is strange about 0.1 cats?

<p>That&rsquo;s maybe a weird way to put it when I could just say&nbsp;<em>Two of my friends have cats.&nbsp;</em>But that&rsquo;s not the strange thing I have in mind.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s strange about<em>&nbsp;0.1 cats</em>&nbsp;is the fact that you can use plural marking&nbsp;<em>-s</em>&nbsp;in&nbsp;<em>cats</em>. When we talk about decimals, including 0.1, we use the plural noun following the decimal:&nbsp;<em>0.1 cats,</em>&nbsp;not&nbsp;<em>0.1 cat</em>. Now, why is that strange?</p> <p>Well, ignore for a moment the strangeness of the decimally dismantled cat and think about your conceptualization of plural nouns. When do you think you use the plural marker&nbsp;<em>-s</em>&nbsp;(<em>cat&nbsp;</em>vs.&nbsp;<em>cats</em>)? Most people will tell you that the answer is as straight-forward as 1+1 = 1: we use plural&nbsp;<em>-s</em>&nbsp;when we talk about more than 1 cat.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/word-garden/what-is-strange-about-0-1-cats-46355fd803af"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: strange