Stranded 70 Miles from Home

<p>As a young man, I became quite enamoured with the punk rock scene. The raw energy of the music, combined with the outrageous fashions certainly epitomised the title of the genre&nbsp;<em>new wave</em>. I loved the music, but I lacked the chutzpah to wear the clothes. Or so I thought.</p> <p>One Saturday afternoon, my friend Rob and I were listening to a selection of punk singles on an old&nbsp;<em>Dansette</em>&nbsp;record player in my bedroom. Inspired by the get-ups of people depicted on the covers of those singles, we decided it was time to walk the walk. We set about dressing up as punks in preparation for a jaunt around local bars that evening.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stranded miles