First Class Funk: A Strain Review

<p>First Class Funk, an indica dominant hybrid known for its potency, is the perfect strain for a rainy afternoon. Boasting anywhere from 29%-33% THC, this strain will have even veteran smokers feeling the effects. FCF sits at around 60% indica and 40% sativa, producing a unique and balanced high that&rsquo;s both uplifting and mildly sedating. First come the cerebral effects, boosting the mood and for me, alleviating anxiety. Then rolls on the relaxing body high. What I like best about this strain is that it is not a couch lock high. I went outside and admired my blooming Oleander. I played with my cats. I started making plans for my next writing project. My husband made dinner and I finished out the evening reading a good book. This strain makes me feel blissful and inspired.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Strain Review