<p>Gentrification is creating new living space in the suburb areas of the city but we can&rsquo;t explain gentrification only one definition. Gentrification has some conditions; the first condition is as mentioned definition, suburb areas. Suburb mean living of people who lowerclassman, having a small income, areas. Gentrification interferes these areas and people of living there, other conditions will be indicated at this point. People are displaced from own living space and new structure is built in there with this situation new life is created, new life represents created new space with good conditions of period and people who upper-middle class, settle in there so we can say, displacing and creating new lives are other conditions of gentrification. &ldquo;Ge&ccedil; Olmadan Eve D&ouml;n&rdquo; is an exhibition in Istanbul Modern, and this exhibition shows the story of building and urbanism in Istanbul so gentrification will be examined through &ldquo;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Ge&ccedil; Olmadan Eve D&ouml;n</a>&rdquo;. Istanbul faced with a lot of urbanism activity but all gentrification conditions don&rsquo;t seem all of them so we may evaluate these activities in terms of conditions of gentrification.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Story Istanbul