When you read their stories, things about them will be felt different

<p>I used to find it hard to feel something when performing his Sunnah. But after I read &ldquo;Sirah Nabawiyah&rdquo; (originally titled &ldquo;Ar-Rahiqul Makhtum&rdquo;) by Syaikh Shafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri, a book about the life of Rasulullah shalallahu &lsquo;alaihi wa salam, his Sunnah became something I value even more, even something I miss. Eating the dates after iftaar, feels like eating the fruit loved by him.</p> <p>You want to go to the place where He shalallahu &#39;alaihi wa salam prostrate, in front of the Ka&#39;bah, or where He had the conversation with their sahabahs in Madinah.</p> <p>After you&rsquo;ve finished reading a book about him, His Hadiths feels like diamonds you are searching for in order to know more about him again. You want to read another one, another book, about him again.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@hanifahnw/when-you-read-their-stories-things-about-them-will-be-felt-different-988b412679e3"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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