The Day I Stood on Top of the World

<p><em>I don&rsquo;t know how to describe it but whenever I see this picture, an explosive mixture of feelings and memories erupts in my body. I get transported back in time and place. That photograph is just so much more than just me. On a rock. To me at least.</em></p> <p>To some, the top of the world is something within their horizon. To others, Mount Everest is the top of the world. To me, that mountain isn&rsquo;t just far enough out of my comfort zone but also out of my horizon.</p> <p>It was a different mountain. A different moment. It wasn&rsquo;t even the highest mountain I&rsquo;ve ever climbed. But it was the surroundings that gave me the feeling of overlooking the earth. Not only the physical surroundings of standing at the top of a mountain but also mentally. I was at a place and time in my life where I don&rsquo;t know if I&rsquo;ll ever reach that level of happiness again.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stood world