Why do stoners talk “like that”? The Phenomenon of “Stoned Speech”

<p>I spent much of the summer of 2020 on my mother&rsquo;s back porch, in a portable camping chair (a special one that glides like a rocking chair &mdash; my personal favorite), six feet away from my closest friends, pipe in my hand, green kush turning to black ash over the course of our long deep conversations. Though it was our favorite pastime to smoke up and discuss life, our conversations were often filled with cycles of silly prolonged speeches and silences full of us digging for our own thoughts. Luckily, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we felt as though we had all of the time in the world, and in some ways we did. We never had to rush through these conversations, so moving at a stoned pace was hardly an issue. My mom once peeked her head out of the back door to check up on us. She said in a joking tone,</p> <p><a href="https://jamiemarrara.medium.com/why-do-stoners-talk-like-that-the-phenomenon-of-stoned-speech-7137ed2c6982"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: stoned Speech