Stock Price Prediction with ChatGPT and Finazon

<p>Stock price prediction is a programmatically tedious task especially when done with exquisite detail. From choosing the right models to building and evaluating them, the whole process demands patience and meticulous execution. However, with the emergence of powerful AI tools like ChatGPT, we might have a shot at predicting the market with ease.</p> <p>In this article, we will first obtain the time series data of the stock we are willing to predict using the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Finazon time series API</a>, then, we will feed this data into the program generated by ChatGPT. All the processes including data preparation, building the model, making predictions, and model evaluation will be taken care of by ChatGPT. Without further ado, let&rsquo;s dive into the article!</p> <h1>Project Outline</h1> <p>After a series of conversations with ChatGPT regarding the models that can be used for stock price prediction, the methodology to be followed, etc. it gave me an overwhelming number of choices to choose from. But I decided to keep it simple and wanted to follow the most sought-after method of predicting stock prices which is through using an LSTM model.</p> <p>Then I asked ChatGPT to help in drafting an outline for an extensive LSTM Python project for predicting stock prices and this is what it generated:</p> <pre> 1. Obtaining data 2. Linear Regression 3. A basic LSTM model 4. Improving the LSTM model 5. Hyperparameter Tuning</pre> <p>This was not the initial outline generated by the bot but after conversing for a while, it came up with this which I think is pretty straightforward and easy to grasp. The entire article will follow this outline and apart from the first section of obtaining data, all the other sections will be solely driven by ChatGPT alone.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>