Stepping into uncertainty

<p>It&rsquo;s frustrating at times. I feel the urge to write but I&rsquo;m not sure what to write about. Anyone else ever feel that way? Something is trying to get out. I think IT, the something, is probably frustrated too. I wonder sometimes if IT has been trying to get out for years but I can&rsquo;t see it. I did my first ever guided psychedelic journey a couple days ago. Maybe that will help IT come to light. More on that later &mdash; after I&rsquo;ve integrated more. But, I digress.</p> <p>I remember seeing a poster on the wall at a 5-day personal effectiveness training I did years ago. The poster got bigger each successive day of the training but it was never once referenced throughout the training. Maybe I&rsquo;m the only one that saw it.&nbsp;<em>&lsquo;</em><strong><em>What are you pretending not to know?</em></strong><em>&rsquo;</em>. I think about it often. What truth is lying just below the surface of my consciousness that I&rsquo;m willfully ignoring? I&rsquo;ve always believed it was there. A quick inventory of things I&rsquo;ve considered might help me uncover it. If any of these seems true to you, my reader, my external eyes, my source of validation in this world, let me know. On second thought &mdash; maybe don&rsquo;t. I&rsquo;m trying to lessen my dependency on you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stepping