Stephen Hawking knew where to look for alien life but did not recommend it.

<p>In this film, Hawking assures us that as the years go by and he gets older,&nbsp;<strong>the conviction that humanity is not alone in the universe grows in him</strong>. For this reason, he wants to help demonstrate that this is the case and believes that if we wish to find other forms of intelligent life, we should start with a very specific point:&nbsp;<strong>the planet Gliese 832 c.</strong></p> <p>Gliese 832 c is 16 light years away and is considered capable of supporting life on it.</p> <p>Hawking assured us that through the &ldquo;Breakthrough Listen&rdquo; project, we will be able to scan millions of stars in search of the slightest sign that shows that life exists on them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>