7 Reasons why you should set up Tech Startup in Thailand.

<p>I have been working in HR Tech sector and my occupation drives me to immerse myself in the HR industry. On one occasion last year, I met a group of European founders who have set up their Startup in Thailand. One founder from Sweden told me the reason why they chose to try their luck in Thailand instead of Europe, a place where they have some vital advantages since they were born and raised and were even granted funding there. It shocked me as he said &ldquo;You knew what, hiring the guy with the same level of skills you just introduced me could probably cost me three times, if not higher, than what it costs me here, leaving alone the buzzing income taxes.&rdquo;<br /> Additionally, the overall cost of living in Thailand is significantly lower; the rent, the food, working space, etc. So it makes every sense to base the Startup here in Thailand where we can keep the burn rate low and have a longer runway which probably means more chances to success.</p> <p><a href="https://ativitavas.com/7-reasons-why-you-should-set-up-tech-startup-in-thailand-a22ce1cfbd1d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>