I Want to Start a Movement: There Is a Part For You

<p>A few weeks ago, my family and I discussed around the dinner table what our favorite movies were, and my children guessed mine without hesitation: The American President. I love all parts of this movie&ndash;the President struggling with re-election over moral issues and the love interest advocating for the environment. The President has several staffers who play different roles in challenging him to do more and protect him from unfair public opinion. Of course, there is a lovely romantic dance scene with a waltz. All around, it checks all my rest and relaxation boxes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/marianbaldini/i-want-to-start-a-movement-there-is-a-part-for-you-a3cfcef10fee"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Movements