I started a one-person business alongside my day job

<p>Scrolling on social media changed my life.</p> <p>1 year ago I was living the most common graduate life. I had just completed my engineering degree and was walking to a good 5 figure day job. I would come home, eat dinner, binge-watch Netflix, and go to sleep.</p> <p>Isn&rsquo;t that what life should&rsquo;ve been about? I thought I owed it to myself. For studying so hard, I deserve all the rest I was getting. But it was simply mediocrity in disguise.</p> <p>While scrolling Instagram one day I read a quote:</p> <h1>You can either sacrifice your comfort or sacrifice your dream.</h1> <p>That quote hit harder as it was roughly 1:42 AM, with the entire street asleep. It made me think about who I actually was before I started my job.</p> <ul> <li>I was a college-level badminton player who loved to exercise.</li> <li>I was an entrepreneur who had just bootstrapped a startup at the age of 20</li> <li>I was a published author by 21</li> </ul> <p>And, I forgot it all in the name of comfort when I started my 9&ndash;5. It was time to get back up and do the thing I was best at &mdash; creating.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/i-started-a-one-person-business-alongside-my-day-job-223f76f1a570"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>