The Square Stories — Episode 2

<p>When a DJ is spinning it&rsquo;s decks. And putting their entire soul out there. There is always a moment. A very special one. A moment of communication. The energy. Their creativity. Tiny fractions of their character. Tangible throughout their set.</p> <p>Sometimes. They&rsquo;re telling stories. And when you hear a story. It&rsquo;s that moment of the night. The moment. The DJ has eventually held your hand. To guide you without any command.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s not certain that the story you hear. Is the story they are telling. But that isn&rsquo;t the matter. Because all that matters. Is to take upon it. And so it happened. That one night. I was dancing out a journey. And suddenly. The DJ started talking to me. I heard phrases in the percussions. The turn of the cuckoo clock. That joined into a memory. I felt the urge to carry out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Square Stories