Why is Everyone Suddenly Interested in Spirituality?

<p>Have you noticed that lately, folks are becoming more and more curious about spirituality? It&rsquo;s been interesting to watch as topics such as Reiki, crystals, manifestation, and even meditation went from instantly instigating a collective eye roll to now being on the lips of just about everyone I run into. So, why now? Why does it seem like these topics are so popular right now and what does it all mean?</p> <p>For starters, this isn&rsquo;t a random phenomenon. Right now, and for the last few years, there has been a call for spiritual up-leveling in humans. Our universe, and every being in it, is ready to begin shifting the collective perspective on our collective purpose. This means that a lot more people are being tapped, or switched on, to begin expanding our individual consciousness at a much faster rate. That&rsquo;s because the world is ready for more leaders that guide with experience, compassion, kindness, generosity, and with a focus on growth and connection, rather than money and power. This results in people becoming more and more curious about concepts that they may not have been open to previously.</p> <p><a href="https://ebethcraig.medium.com/why-is-everyone-suddenly-interested-in-spirituality-39dc5ff087d3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>