My Mixed Asian Identity is a Spider Web

<p>Throughout my life, I have met and befriended many mixed Asians all descending from different backgrounds, subscribing to different sets of values, and perceiving the world from their own perspectives. The distinction of how each mixed Asian person lives their life varies so greatly that it&rsquo;s difficult to really answer that question. Even if you compare two of one type of mixed Asians together, say when comparing the views of a mixed Asian from Japanese-Ghanaian descent with those of another Japanese-Ghanaian person, it is still very possible to get vastly different results when it comes to the experiences and observations they hold concerning their identity. It would be an extremely daunting task to come up with some sort of consensus across the board for all mixed Asians, let alone for specific types of mixed Asians. And I think that&rsquo;s a good thing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Spider web