5 Key Factors that helped us choose our sperm donor

<p>So, you&rsquo;re ready to pick your sperm donor but you&rsquo;re not sure where to start. Firstly, take a breath, although it can seem daunting and overwhelming, do remember you&rsquo;re picking the makeup of your future child. By the end of this read you should find yourself better equipped. Enjoy it!</p> <p>Quick caveat: Every couple (or person pursuing solo-parenting) will have different requirements that fit into the below categories, you may even have a couple of different categories entirely, but below you will find the 5 key factors we took into consideration when we chose our sperm donor back in 2019.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@hphillipswoods/5-key-factors-that-helped-us-choose-our-sperm-donor-6ac9b753e5a4"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sperm Donor