Barbarians- The battle- Arminius speech to his father

<p>Barbarians depicts the battle of Teutoburg forest between the Romans and the Germanic people in the year 9CE. I was deeply inspired by the conflicted central character Arminius and his speech to his Roman father Varus. His speech is a reflection of his final thought about his identity as a roman-a further reflection of what his fighting for. This speech is so applicable to anyone. Even now amongst many uprising and setbacks in current times. As we approach the end of the year we must all ask ourselves- What am I fighting for ?</p> <p>&quot;Everything I know about fighting, I know from you. What do we fight for ? I often asked you that. Some fight for what used to be, others for that which is to come-We fight for love, we fight for honor, we fight for glory, we fight for freedom.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Speech Father