The speech act theory by Austin:

<p>Speech act theory is a branch of pragmatics that examines the meaning of utterances in terms of their performative force.<br /> <br /> Austin established speech act theory, which clarified that when we talk, we either perform an action or just state something. Language, according to the speech act theory, is more of an activity than a medium of communication and expression. J. L. Austin, a British philosopher of languages, founded the modern Speech act theory, which he originally presented in his best-selling book &ldquo;How do things with words&rdquo; in 1975. Later, in his work, John Searle expanded on the aspects of theory. This concept is often used in the study of language philosophy. Austin is the one who discovered that people use such language not just to make statements but also to take action. As a result, those who followed him descended even more.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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