DevOps in Linux — System Call Introduction

<p>In the context of Linux, a system call is a specific type of function that allows&nbsp;<strong>user-space</strong>&nbsp;programs to interact with the&nbsp;<strong>Linux kernel</strong>. Through system calls, software applications request the kernel to perform various operations like file I/O, process control, networking, and memory management, among others.</p> <p>Below is the process flow of a simple open file system call:</p> <p><img alt="" src="*o6DtjTS_6b0TQPkPKQH77g.png" style="height:298px; width:483px" /></p> <h1>Why Do We Need System Call?</h1> <p>System calls are essential for several reasons, mainly related to security, abstraction, and system integrity. Here are few main reasons:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: DevOps Linux