How Much Is a Species Worth?

<p>Asdarkness falls over the plains of Zimbabwe, an American hunter fires an arrow at a lion named Cecil. He goes on to receive death threats and is forced into hiding. Elsewhere in the savannah, Maasai tribesmen poison a group of lions, killing two. They are later arrested, facing life imprisonment. Over in the tropics, a group of men begin illegally cutting down acres of the Amazon. Their crime goes unpunished.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s natural for us to react emotionally to these events. But would you have felt differently if you knew the hunt contributed $50,000 to wildlife conservation? What about if you know poisoned lions had been preying on Maasai farmers&rsquo; cattle? Or that the deforesters are local subsistence farmers who rely on the rainforest&rsquo;s resources for survival?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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