Re-Inventing Faltering Democracies: How Voters Worldwide can Wrest Control of Elections and Legislation from Political Parties, Politicians, and Special Interests.

<p>Democracies falter and fail when political parties, politicians, and special interests &mdash; instead of voters &mdash; decide who runs for office, who gets elected, and what laws are passed. They transform elections into undemocratic rituals in which passive voters have no choice but to vote for candidates already on the ballot (except in rare instances where voters can write in the names of other candidates who have virtually no chance to win).</p> <p>The results of these party-contrived, pseudo-democratic electoral rituals do not express the &ldquo;will of the people&rdquo;, but instead legitimize the transfer of voters&rsquo; political sovereignty to parties and candidates running on platforms and legislative agendas over which voters have scant influence, if any. Once these party-backed candidates take office, they typically vote in favor of enacting the priorities of the special interests that fund their electoral campaigns, while ignoring the needs and demands of their constituents.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>