A special birthday present

<p>I have written in&nbsp;<strong>earlier stories</strong>&nbsp;how we&nbsp;<strong>became refuges</strong>, and about what it is like being one. You are&nbsp;<strong>forever</strong>&nbsp;one, in that you can&rsquo;t turn the clock back and undo all that has gone before. But 32 years ago, on this day -<strong>17th of November-</strong>&nbsp;the&nbsp;<a href="https://time.com/5730106/velvet-revolution-history/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Velvet Revolution</a>&nbsp;started in Prague. The march for freedom, for democracy, and more power to the people.</p> <p>My parents were visiting me in London, and we were glued to the television. Was it possible, would it work? Would it end totalitarian communist rule in Czechoslovakia? After many days of protest, marches, talks and haggling (It took more than a month) the uprising that started on this day resulted in a non-violent transition of power.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/a-special-birthday-present-db832d14479f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>