Sparrow Calamities: How the US and China Underestimated a Humble Songbird

<p>Iwouldn&rsquo;t say I &ldquo;hate&rdquo; any bird or other animal species. However, I understand why many American birders use such a strong word as &ldquo;hate&rdquo; to describe their feelings about house sparrows.</p> <p>Birdwatchers love diversity. Invasive species like house sparrows diminish diversity, and they do so violently. Small but fierce, they drive other birds away from nesting sites, destroy eggs, and even kill hatchlings.</p> <p>House sparrows have been in North America since the mid-1800s when a few thousand were released in several US cities. These imported birds were meant to help control insect populations. Instead, the sparrows themselves became pests. Soon, millions of house sparrows were outcompeting native songbirds and gaining a reputation as a significant urban nuisance.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>