From “spaghetti code” to “spaghetti architecture”

<p><strong>Note:</strong>&nbsp;All the names and events in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.&nbsp;<strong>The story is completely made-up</strong>&nbsp;but is inspired by a mix of&nbsp;<strong>a few common patterns</strong>&nbsp;I have either seen myself or heard from others in the past few years. The purpose of this story is to share a common trending scenario and a few mistakes that can cause IT-based startups to fail.<br /> <br /> <strong>Spoiler alert:</strong>&nbsp;This article might refer to some 100x delicious dependencies in different layers.&nbsp;</p> <h2>OK, here the story begins&nbsp;</h2> <p>Seven years ago, during the IT hype, Mark took a few courses to learn web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. Then he was hired by a startup as a web developer. His main task was building the application&rsquo;s frontend using jQuery and later with React. Gradually, he also learned how to build backend APIs using Node.js and Express. He was the company&rsquo;s full-stack developer at this point.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: spaghetti Code