How to setup MacBook Pro macOS Sonoma 14 for Development and other uses using homebrew?

<p>macOS Sonoma 14 is released and you still need to install some of the important software for your MacBook Pro using homebrew. Majority of the new software is provided in AppStore but still some of the major software is not published in AppStore. In order to use MacBook Pro for development of mobile applications or frontend web or watching videos or browsing.</p> <p>Below are the installation commands for all the software using homebrew</p> <p><img alt="" src="*68q0Hd00-Z6jnJukoO1gJQ.png" style="height:108px; width:700px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="*FXcUaHKyXQHNQ8dnVd9wNQ.png" style="height:139px; width:1000px" /></p> <p>Install&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>homebrew</strong></a>&nbsp;&mdash; (The Missing Package Manager for macOS)</p> <pre> /bin/bash -c &quot;$(curl -fsSL;</pre> <p>Install&nbsp;<strong>Microsoft Visual Studio Code &mdash; (</strong>Open-source code editor)</p> <pre> brew install --cask visual-studio-code</pre> <p>Install&nbsp;<strong>Rectangle &mdash;&nbsp;</strong>(Move and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: macOS Sonoma