I read every Sonic comic by Ken Penders, and they’re wilder than you could ever imagine

<p>For years now, former Archie&nbsp;<em>Sonic</em>&nbsp;writer Ken Penders has been most well known for his legal battles with Archie and Sega in which he acquired the rights to his characters and stories. Among dedicated Sonic fans, he&rsquo;s also known for his bad tweets and strange art style.</p> <p>You know what doesn&rsquo;t come up as often?<strong>&nbsp;The actual content of his stories.</strong></p> <p>Sure, everyone vaguely knows the Archie comics are weird, and it&rsquo;s easy to find goofy out-of-context panels. But that&rsquo;s only skimming the surface. What&rsquo;s up with the bizarre recurring themes in his stories? The obsession with asshole dads? The weird attempts at mature themes? Dingo firing squads executing civilians? A cartoon bee dying from eating an LSD-laced chili dog? Distasteful allusions to the Holocaust? Implications that teenage&nbsp;<em>Sonic</em>&nbsp;characters were having sex off-screen?&nbsp;<em>Why did any of this happen?</em></p> <p>Few can answer this, because few want to analyze over 100 issues of mediocre furry soap opera comics with bad politics. I mean, there&rsquo;s no shortage of good&nbsp;<em>Sonic&nbsp;</em>comics you could read instead. Who would be stupid enough to do that?</p> <p><a href="https://ponett.medium.com/i-read-every-sonic-comic-by-ken-penders-and-theyre-wilder-than-you-could-ever-imagine-1f9dd05ae433"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sonic Comic