The Song Sommelier Presents: Alternative Eurovision

<p>In 2019, The Eurovision hits its 64th competition. The institution is more than twice as old as the European Union and will possibly outlast it. In the UK, Eurovision has attracted some ridicule, its recent surge in popularity more down to a sense of irony than respect. As the TV show demonstrates, the organisers play up to this in a way so over the top, it&rsquo;s hard to tell who is pulling who&rsquo;s leg. With Eurovision&rsquo;s popularity on a continual rise, who cares, so long as we can all continue to have fun? The only way the show could be more fun would be to have high-ranking German EU official Sabine Weyland present (pissed), and for the UK entry to be Nigel Farage &mdash; the other contestants permitted to tear him limb-from-limb at the finale. He could then be devoured by the Finnish black metal contestants. Wouldn&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>that</em>&nbsp;be fun?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>