Reality in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”

<p>Being so far away from my comic book store, I only go and get my pulls every three to four weeks. Whenever I go in, I look around for anything new. I never know what&rsquo;s coming out, unless I see someone mention it on Twitter or something, and I like it that way. Instead, I look around or ask someone if anything good just came out. That&rsquo;s how I found out about&nbsp;<em>Golden Rage</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>Love Everlasting</em>&nbsp;a few months ago. Last week, I came across Szymon Krudranski&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Something Epic</em>. I saw issue #1 with the&nbsp;<em>Eminem Show</em>&nbsp;variant cover on the back issues shelf, but what really caught my attention was the variant cover for issue #2 showing Danny as a G.I. Joe figure in a package. After talking with someone at the shop, I decided to pick up both issues and try them out. What really interests me about this series is the exploration of imagination and the ways we construct reality.</p> <p>The series opens with Danny&rsquo;s birth, and on the second page we see the doctor holding Danny in his arms as Danny asks, &ldquo;Who am I?&rdquo; He immediately answers this question by stating, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m different, just like you. And like everyone else, I hide it.&rdquo; These lines serve as our introduction to Danny as he narrates his story, and they also serve to point highlight for us that we, like Danny, have the capabilities to see reality, whatever that reality may be. He says he&rsquo;s different yet he is like us. He says he hides his difference just as everyone else does the same. When we feel different from those around us, we disguise ourselves, hiding who we truly are from others as well as ourselves.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Something Epic