Solving Inverse Problems With Physics-Informed DeepONet: A Practical Guide With Code Implementation

<p>In my&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">previous blog</a>, we delved into the concept of physics-informed DeepONet (PI-DeepONet) and explored why it is particularly suitable for operator learning, i.e., learning mappings from an input function to an output function. We also turned theory into code and implemented a PI-DeepONet that can accurately solve an ordinary differential equation (ODE) even with unseen input forcing profiles.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*gJvrNuXwd2LK7DI_Y-Ft4g.png" style="height:256px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Figure 1. Operators transform one function into another, which is a concept frequently encountered in real-world dynamical systems.&nbsp;<strong>Operator learning</strong>&nbsp;essentially involves training a neural network model to approximate this underlying operator. A promising method to achieve that is&nbsp;<strong>DeepONet</strong>. (Image by author)</p> <p>The ability to solve these&nbsp;<strong><em>forward&nbsp;</em></strong>problems with PI-DeepONet is certainly valuable. But is that all PI-DeepONet can do? Well, definitely not!</p> <p>Another important problem category we frequently encountered in computational science and engineering is the so-called&nbsp;<strong><em>inverse problem</em></strong>. In essence, this type of problem&nbsp;<strong>reverses the flow of information from output to input</strong>: the input is unknown and the output is observable, and the task is to estimate the unknown input from the observed output.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>