#SoloFemaleTravel: The kindness in Barcelona, Spain

<p>Earlier in 2023, I thought of fulfilling my wanderlust and taking off on a solo trip in Europe &mdash; something my younger self wouldn&rsquo;t have even dreamed of.</p> <p>In my attempt to live in the present (coupled with my habit of tardily posting photos), I felt it was important to journal my experiences to capture my raw thoughts and feelings while I travel.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m glad I wrote them as it took me months to finally get around to sharing my travel stories, but here we go.</p> <p><strong>Barcelona, Spain || June 2023</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*58lnZ-3kaX5wVoFsKq1mXA.jpeg" style="height:934px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Navigating the transport system in Barcelona, Spain</p> <p>I am on my way to the airport as I started writing this.</p> <p>A few days ago, I flew to Spain to begin the first leg of my solo trip around Europe. There&rsquo;s no deeper reason why I&rsquo;m taking this trip except I know that, whatever the outcome is, I need to do it and it will reveal its beautiful purpose in time.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thechoiceofbeing/solofemaletravel-the-kindness-in-barcelona-spain-ca7ea85b82bd"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>