Solo Travel Sucks

<p>On the first day, I could barely hold on to a smile as I bewailed my conditions in a journal entry. I&rsquo;ve been here for a week, and it&rsquo;s hard. I can&rsquo;t stop the creeping thoughts of inadequacy bubble up from my innermost depths.</p> <p>Maybe I&rsquo;m not cut out for this.</p> <p>I had that thought a lot during my first few days here, and I still have it at least once a day.</p> <p>To tell you the truth, I miss my partner, my family, my dogs, and my hometown. I can perform a number of mental gymnastics to try to figure out why I have tough days here, but I think the simple truth is there&rsquo;s a lot of unfamiliar, new stuff that has knocked me off my pedestal of control and thrown me in a chaos, grasping for some sense of familiarity and control.</p> <p>And when I grasp for that familiarity and come up empty-handed, I feel sad. I feel alone. I feel disconnected with the world I spent so many years building in the US. But I&rsquo;m not going to run away from this feeling. In fact, I think it&rsquo;s good I&rsquo;m feeling this way.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel