Solo holidaying: What it was like to go to Paris alone

<p>It is March 2022, and I am sitting at a tiny table in a typical Parisian bistro all on my own, surrounded by chattering locals. I have been here for a blissful hour already, ordering my food in terrible French and burying my nose in a book between courses. As my dessert arrives in the form of a waiter ladling rich chocolate mousse onto my plate from a giant terrine, I exhale the deepest breath I&rsquo;ve taken in months and smile serenely.</p> <p>It has taken me 2 and a half years to get here &mdash; to my solo holiday in my favourite city &mdash; thanks to one airline going bust (the night before I was due to travel, no less) and the little issue of a global pandemic. But I&rsquo;m so glad I persevered. I feel bold and calm and blessed.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>