Picking up the Pieces After a Soldier’s Suicide in Iraq

<p>I&rsquo;ve learned suicides make a statement to those who remain: &ldquo;This person found being among you unbearable and lost hope that would never change. Now there&rsquo;s peace.&rdquo; Most don&rsquo;t want to understand that message. They refuse to listen or shame the person&rsquo;s memory or call the act a sin. But a few hear it and can&rsquo;t stop listening.</p> <p>For some soldiers, often already struggling with overwhelming stressors, its message can become a siren song. It mixes with the impulsivity of young men and women and the ubiquity of weapons in a combat zone to create high risk.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-memoirist/picking-up-the-pieces-after-a-soldiers-suicide-in-iraq-c8085df0f2ae"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>