Our Investment in HyperComply: Building The B2B Trust Layer For Software Companies

<p>Early in my career, I spent time as a Sales Engineer, working for a software company that was selling a cloud solution to the enterprise. Before any sale could be complete, we would have to complete a security audit and fill out an extensive questionnaire to satisfy the buyer&rsquo;s procurement, legal and security teams. These questionnaires could be two-hundred questions or more, and it was an entirely manual process. This process took hours of engineering time and took at least a week or two to turn around for our sales team. Compliance was and is a necessary evil between buyers and sellers of software. Then, and even now, both sides are limited with the tooling they have to support the process.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/golden-ventures/our-investment-in-hypercomply-building-the-b2b-trust-layer-for-software-companies-8d8cf3d14b4e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>