Stepping Away From Societal Norms and Carving Your Own Path to Success

<p>We live in a world where issues such as racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism exist. Suppose that these never existed, what would our world be like? These norms have infiltrated our everyday lives, teaching us how to act and influencing our decisions. We still see these issues everyday. We hear about the effects of racism and transphobia on the news. Maybe you&rsquo;ve seen or experienced these issues. It is expressed in toy-stores where toys are marketed towards a specific gender. It is expressed in magazines defining the &ldquo;ideal&rdquo; body type. We see racial stereotypes in movies and shows. It also has influenced the lack of diversity and gender gap in technology companies and entertainment industries.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Societal Norms