The Early Sobriety Cocktail of: Trouble Sleeping, Weird Thoughts, Cravings and the Dark Side of Depression

<p>Some of the most intense symptoms of the detox went away for me after 10 days, but no one prepared me for the after effects of post withdrawal. The biggest culprit is the insomnia that keeps me up texting half the world until all hours on the night, hoping for a response from any of the numbers that haven&rsquo;t blocked me. The tossing and turning becomes painful when you realize no one is answering, you&rsquo;re all alone. Perhaps you&rsquo;re blocked and everyone is tired of the same old story on repeat. Then the doom scrolling happens, you become the most informed person on the latest conspiracy theory while awkwardly familiar with the weirdest places online. Finally, you manage to give into that tired feeling you get from your body and doze off. The sleep is welcomed and short lived like a high school romance. Strange nightmares become the norm. Why did I click on that link?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>