Mike Miller: A SNCC veteran reflects on what strengthens community… and what can tear it apart.

<p><strong>Lynn Burnett:&nbsp;</strong>On&nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d86iAfbD-ZM&amp;t=7s" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">our SNCC panel the other week</a>, you told a powerful story about&nbsp;<a href="https://snccdigital.org/people/bob-moses/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Bob Moses</a>. You were talking with him shortly before he died, and he was reflecting on what might have kept SNCC together after the crushing defeat of the&nbsp;<a href="https://snccdigital.org/inside-sncc/alliances-relationships/mfdp/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party</a>&nbsp;(MFDP). Can you talk about the sense of defeat and the bitterness and division within SNCC afterwards, and Bob&rsquo;s reflections on that?</p> <p><strong>Mike Miller:&nbsp;</strong>Well, as you said, the defeat of SNCC&rsquo;s Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party challenge to the 1964 Democratic Party Convention&nbsp;<em>was</em>&nbsp;crushing. Most of us in SNCC at that time anticipated that we were going to win. We did not understand Lyndon Johnson&rsquo;s power and his ability to peel off votes that we thought we had in the credentials committee. I personally think that our not knowing how to deal with defeat was even more important than our mistaken analysis of what would happen.</p> <p><a href="https://burnett-lynn.medium.com/mike-miller-a-sncc-veteran-reflects-on-what-strengthens-community-and-what-can-tear-it-apart-a12f823e5bae"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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