Snake Lovers Deserve the Same Respect as You

<p>Those of us that love all wildlife (not just the fuzzy and feathered kinds) hear these statements all the time. However, just because these sentiments are the norm doesn&rsquo;t make them right.</p> <p>Snakes are one sign of a healthy ecosystem, and some of us are pleased when we are lucky enough to see one. Many of us even spend our time and money to go out looking for them, just like bird-watchers go on birding trips. Like birders, we have lifer lists, social media groups where we share photos, and special gear we carry around. We even pay for appropriate licenses when needed. Nothing about our enjoyment of the animals we love is hurting a soul in the world.</p> <p>Yet somehow, upon hearing that we like snakes, many people feel compelled to tell us how they just took a machete to one the other day or that the animals we care about should be killed. It&rsquo;s like it never occurs to them that they are being horrific.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Snake Lovers