Women Smoke Pot, Too

<p>When you think of a stoner, you probably think of that one guy you know from college &mdash; you know the one. He wears a Rasta beanie even though he&rsquo;s whiter than a Trump rally. He has actually listened to&nbsp;<em>The Wall</em>&nbsp;while watching T<em>he Wizard of Oz,&nbsp;</em>or so he says<em>.&nbsp;</em>He is the nicest guy you&rsquo;ll ever meet. He&rsquo;s the type of person you want to hug, even though he reeks of patchouli.</p> <p>However, the stoner of today might not even be a guy as in a cisgendered male. In fact, you might have driven past her on the way to work this morning. Yeah, that&rsquo;s right, HER. She probably has a white SUV, a worn out Costco card, and can smoke more weed than your stoner friend from college.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@EmilyWS3/women-smoke-pot-too-ce1f06b614d4"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Smoke Pot