Free Your Smile in Barcelona

<p>Barcelona is the sunshine for me. I didn&rsquo;t expect that a week class would be such beautiful memories for me. I don&rsquo;t know if it&rsquo;s because living in Paris is very stressful and unknown strike was driving me crazy. But, here I would like to share&nbsp;<strong>why I change my attitude from travelling.</strong></p> <p>While after coming back from Barcelona, I realised that I turned into a different attitude to continue my life in Paris. I am focusing on the way I live instead of focusing on the unfortunate things that happened to me. Just cooking a delicious meal for myself is one way to enough satisfy and enjoy my life now.</p> <p>The first day, I brought uneasy feeling travelling from Paris to Barcelona. On the way, my biggest worry is the language, (because I barely can speak French and neither Spanish). I was no expectation of how the trip is going to be while staying with my four friends.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>