How I Avoid Smash & Grabs

<p>t the library yesterday, a patron got their car window smashed out and several things stolen from the interior. I was parked right on the other side of the car that did the smash and grab, but luckily my car was unharmed.</p> <p>I see this happening everywhere. A month ago, my boyfriend and I went to Fisherman&rsquo;s Wharf, and while we were sitting in my car, we watched a car pull up alongside another parked car, a guy hop out of the passenger&rsquo;s seat, smash out the window, and grab what was inside. Then they drove to the next car. They had no fear of being caught.</p> <p>I won&rsquo;t try to stop this behavior anymore because it&rsquo;s only a property crime, and some people who do have gotten beaten or run over.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Smash Grabs