How our plans for Smart London compare to other world cities

<p>Today, I&rsquo;ve been asked by&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">members of the London Assembly</a>&nbsp;what makes our vision different and unique from other cities. It&rsquo;s a good question to ask at the beginning of the process. We know we want collaboration in data to fuel innovation to solve London&rsquo;s challenges. We know that our approach can&rsquo;t be driven by procurement alone with London&rsquo;s local government budget of &pound;34.6bn in comparison to, for example, New York&rsquo;s &pound;62.8bn.</p> <p>We know we want a &lsquo;living&rsquo; document for the long-term that is updated at least annually but the approach must be politically aware of the 2018 borough and 2020 mayoral elections. The ambition is to take a long-term approach with savings and payback longer than election cycles from collaboration, but we know that gaining credibility means taking an intermediate, facilitative approach to bring projects together and earning champions in City Hall, TfL, and the boroughs.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: world Cities