Slow Down And Rein It In, Ladies

<p>There&rsquo;s a lot of talk about how boys and men are faring with all this feminist equality-seeking malarkey. In the UK a few months ago, there was quite a buzz around the topic following the launch of author and writer Caitlin Moran&rsquo;s latest book. Previously a writer for and about women, this one&rsquo;s entitled &ldquo;<em>What about men?</em>&rdquo; and in a morning talk show interview, she said that it was &ldquo;now&rdquo; time for women to help men.</p> <p>For me, that word suggests our job is done, our oxygen mask is securely fitted, and we can&nbsp;<em>now</em>&nbsp;assist those around us. For the record, it isn&rsquo;t, and we&rsquo;re nowhere near &lsquo;done.&rsquo; However, in an interview with the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Guardian newspaper,</a>&nbsp;Moran stated that feminism &ldquo;<em>urgently needs to embark on the second phase &mdash; which was absolutely predicted by the word &ldquo;equality.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Slow down