Hypnotherapy for Eczema, Acne and other skin disorders

<p>Our skin as an organ is known to be sensitive to negative emotions. The emotions themselves aren&rsquo;t the problem. It&rsquo;s the way we shut them out and deny them. Emotions have energy. Shut them out and they come in some other way- sometimes through the skin. They show up as&nbsp;<strong>acne</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>eczema</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>psoriasis</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>hives&nbsp;</strong>or whatever.</p> <p>My 17-year-old client Tessa suffered from eczema that flared up every few weeks. Her skin looked scaly and dry. Dry patches of skin appeared where the itching broke through the skin on her arms. She hated the way she looked and covered herself with long sleeves and pants despite Hong Kong&rsquo;s hot and humid weather. She came to me for hypnosis to stop itching.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ellenhypnotherapist/hypnotherapy-for-eczema-acne-and-other-skin-disorders-d5fed05aa22d"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: skin Disorders