Don’t Make Fun of Sammy Sosa’s Skin-Bleaching, Try to Understand it…

<p>When the first images appeared of Sosa bleaching his skin, I was asked a question about him on a panel and it was a question that was asked in a very: &ldquo;You better criticize him&rdquo; way. I responded: &ldquo;If you expect me to criticize a man I 100% understand you are sadly mistaken.&rdquo; Many couldn&rsquo;t understand it. The automatic reaction was anger and confusion. And I&rsquo;m like: &ldquo;Why are you angry at me or Sammy Sosa like you&rsquo;ve never hated yourself?&rdquo; And it&rsquo;s usually some light-skin, pro-black person wondering why I would defend Sosa. And then it&rsquo;s some pro-black, dark-skin person who can&rsquo;t believe someone would do such a thing to their skin acting like at no point in their own lives they never hated themselves or were made to feel less than in a family mixed with lighter Dominicans (or pick Caribbean or Latin American country).&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: skin Bleaching