The Most Important Framework for Skill Development

<p>First principles thinking is a method of reasoning. It requires reducing a thing to its fundamental parts or truths and reasoning up from that foundation.</p> <p>It enables us to find where our beliefs do not align with reality.</p> <p>It is a doorway to new ways of doing things.</p> <p>It is the most effective approach to learning I know.</p> <p>First principles reasoning stands in contrast to reasoning by analogy &mdash; the attempt to understand things by their likeness to something else. Reasoning by analogy isn&rsquo;t inherently bad &mdash; analogies can be very helpful for quickly grasping an idea. But analogies, especially bad ones, can obscure the true nature of a thing and lead to false assumptions or confusion.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s like assuming that because a tiger has stripes and is dangerous, then other animals with stripes are also dangerous, like the lionfish &mdash; which gets its name from the stripe-less lion. That&rsquo;s not to say the lionfish isn&rsquo;t dangerous, it is. But unlike both the lion and the tiger, the lionfish&rsquo;s danger comes from its venomous spikes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>