Why I’m skeptical of Athens Research

<p><strong>Like X, but cheaper, is not always a winning strategy</strong></p> <p>I&rsquo;m skeptical of Athens Research. Athens is the most shameless of the Roam Research copycats. They are very open that their goal is to build Roam Research, but free for non-enterprise users. Their name and their branding deliberately evoke Roam. To be clear, I&rsquo;m not at all offended by this. Great business have come from from copying the ideas of others. I just don&rsquo;t think it will work.</p> <p>Before looking at the bear case, let&rsquo;s examine their reasoning.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@bchamberlain951/im-skeptical-of-athens-research-e1966ae144c2"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>