30 Days. Day 14. Size Matters…

<p>Tel (The Doorman) is thinking about buying a new vehicle. I say &lsquo;vehicle&rsquo; rather than &lsquo;car&rsquo;, because unlike your average-Joe who lives on the fourth floor of an apartment block on a housing estate, he drives a farm tractor. He once told me that it had 16 gears. I used to drive a car with six gears, and that took a bit of concentration, so I asked him how he ever knew which gear he was in. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m one with the foh&rsquo;kin vehicle&rdquo;, he said, &lsquo;and I just foh&rsquo;kin know &mdash; alright?&rsquo;. I didn&rsquo;t argue (you wouldn&rsquo;t).</p> <p>Creeping Sid asked him what he was thinking of buying. &ldquo;Summat big&rdquo;, said Tel, &ldquo;cause I&rsquo;m not a small bloke&rdquo;. No-one would disagree with him on that. If you crossed a mountain gorilla with a Rubik&rsquo;s Cube and put it in a cheap suit &mdash; you&rsquo;d be looking at Tel (The Doorman)&rsquo;s twin. &ldquo;A truck&rdquo;, said Tel, &ldquo;that&rsquo;s what I foh&rsquo;kin fancy, a truck&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mrmikej/100-days-day-14-size-matters-93354ec4bfea"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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